Who we are:

Gail Entrekin
Executive Director
Gail Rudd Entrekin holds an M.A. in English Literature from Ohio State University and taught poetry and English literature at California colleges for 25 years. Her newest collection of poems, Rearrangement of the Invisible, was released by Poetic Matrix Press in 2012. Previous books include Change (Will Do You Good) (Poetic Matrix Press, 2005), which was nominated for a Northern California Book Award, You Notice the Body (Hip Pocket Press, 1998), and John Danced (Berkeley Poets Workshop & Press, 1983).
Poetry Editor of Hip Pocket Press since 2000, she edits the press’ online environmental literary magazine, Canary (www.hippocketpress.com/canary). She is editor of the poetry & short fiction anthology Sierra Songs & Descants: Poetry & Prose of the Sierra (2002) and the poetry anthology Yuba Flows (2007).
Her poems have been widely published in anthologies and literary magazines, including Cimarron Review, Nimrod, Ohio Journal (now New Ohio Review), and Southern Poetry Review, and her poems were finalists for the Pablo Neruda Prize in Poetry from Nimrod International Journal in 2011. She and her husband are directors of the Entrekin Family Foundation and live in the hills of San Francisco’s East Bay.

Charles Entrekin
Executive Director
Charles has been a founder and director of three successful Bay Area computer companies and he is currently an investor and Board Director of INNOTAS, a SAAS computing firm in the emerging market of IT Governance and Project Portfolio Management. He is a founder and trustee of the Entrekin Foundation.
Charles served as a teacher. He has taught pre-school, Head Start; high school, Upward Bound; and English Literature, Creative Writing, and Philosophy at the University level.
Charles’ most recently published works include a novel, Red Mountain, Birmingham, Alabama, 1965 (El Leon Literary Arts 2008), and Listening: New and Selected Works (Poetic Matrix Press 2010). He is the author of four books of poems and stories (www.charlesentrekin.com).
Charles was a founder and managing editor of The Berkeley Poets Cooperative and The Berkeley Poets Workshop & Press, and he was a co-founder and advisory board member of Literature Alive!, a non-profit organization in Nevada County, California. Currently he is co-editor of the e-zine Sisyphus, a magazine of literature, philosophy and culture, and managing editor of Hip Pocket Press (www.hippocketpress.com).
Charles is the father of five children and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, poet Gail Rudd Entrekin.